foundations of ayurveda

Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India
Ayurveda translates to "the knowledge of life", as it strives to strike the balance of mind, body, & spirit.
Everybody has a space of "perfect" balance, where there is no pain & we are able to feel GOOD and HEALTHY inside of our bodies.
Ayurveda is a symptomatic medicine that looks at the body through the elements
Each person has a genetic constitution - Prakruti & what symptoms are currently present - Vikruti. Using the system as a whole and all symptoms that are present, one works towards harmony.
Harmony comes through the balance of the elements.
Ayurveda classifies the elements into 3 doshas
Pitta - Fire & Water
Kapha - Water & Earth
Vata - Air & Ether
There IS a place of perfect harmony within each of us. By understanding who we are & what is present within our mind, body, & spirit we can take the steps towards that beautiful harmony that is waiting for each of us.
Using the symptoms, I use various techniques to rebalance the body and all of its parts. Holding space for exploration of self, emotions, and the physical being.